最初に郡が定める査定価格。すでに持ち家のある方はご存知ですが、この査定価格によってその場所で定められた税率があり、その計算でなされたProperty Tax Billを受け取って固定資産税を払っています。通例としてはこの郡の査定価格は、不動産価格を引っ張る牽引数値になってはいけないということで一般の市場価格より若干低く抑えられていますが、この不動産市場の下落で逆パターンが起こっていますが、もしあなたの受け取った固定資産税がどう見ても高すぎるということであれば、今はたいていの郡ではそれをアピールできるセクションがありますので、そうすることで税額を下げてもらうことができます。本来ならば土地の価格を下げてもらう努力をすることはあまり物事が良い方に働きませんが、背に腹は変えられぬというやつです。
2番目の価格は、銀行が定める価格。これは住宅の売買においてなされる「アプレーザル価格」です。銀行はこの「アプレーザル価格」を市場価格の基準としてお金を融資するわけですので、なるべく硬い、間違いのない資産のはじき方をしなければなりません。ちなみにFannie MaeのAppraisal guide lineとはこんな感じです。
Guidelines for Using Form 1004MC (このフォームでアプレーザルをださなければなりません)
The Form 1004MC is intended to provide the lender with a clear and accurate understanding of the market trends and conditions prevalent in the subject neighborhood. The form provides the appraiser with a structured format to report the data and to more easily identify current market trends and conditions. The appraiser’s conclusions are to be reported in the "Neighborhood" section of the appraisal report.
Fannie Mae recognizes that all of the requested data elements for analysis are not equally available in all markets. In some markets it may not be possible to retrieve the total number of comparable active listings from earlier periods. If this is the case, the appraiser must explain the attempt to obtain such information. Also, there may be markets in which the data is available in terms of an "average" as opposed to a "median." In this case, the appraiser needs to note that his or her analysis has been based on an "average" representation of the data. Regardless of whether all requested information is available, the appraiser must provide support for his or her conclusions regarding market trends and conditions.
Inventory Analysis( サプライ&デマンドに基づいた市場トレンド、価格の比較、近辺の在庫状況を分析しなければなりません)
The “Inventory Analysis” section assists the appraiser in analyzing important supply and demand factors in order to reach a conclusion regarding housing trends and market conditions. When completing this section, the appraiser must include the comparable data that reflects the total pool of comparable properties from which a buyer may select a property in order to analyze the sales activity and the local housing supply. One of the tools used to monitor these trends is the absorption rate.
最初に郡が定める査定価格。すでに持ち家のある方はご存知ですが、この査定価格によってその場所で定められた税率があり、その計算でなされたProperty Tax Billを受け取って固定資産税を払っています。通例としてはこの郡の査定価格は、不動産価格を引っ張る牽引数値になってはいけないということで一般の市場価格より若干低く抑えられていますが、この不動産市場の下落で逆パターンが起こっていますが、もしあなたの受け取った固定資産税がどう見ても高すぎるということであれば、今はたいていの郡ではそれをアピールできるセクションがありますので、そうすることで税額を下げてもらうことができます。本来ならば土地の価格を下げてもらう努力をすることはあまり物事が良い方に働きませんが、背に腹は変えられぬというやつです。
2番目の価格は、銀行が定める価格。これは住宅の売買においてなされる「アプレーザル価格」です。銀行はこの「アプレーザル価格」を市場価格の基準としてお金を融資するわけですので、なるべく硬い、間違いのない資産のはじき方をしなければなりません。ちなみにFannie MaeのAppraisal guide lineとはこんな感じです。
Guidelines for Using Form 1004MC (このフォームでアプレーザルをださなければなりません)
The Form 1004MC is intended to provide the lender with a clear and accurate understanding of the market trends and conditions prevalent in the subject neighborhood. The form provides the appraiser with a structured format to report the data and to more easily identify current market trends and conditions. The appraiser’s conclusions are to be reported in the "Neighborhood" section of the appraisal report.
Fannie Mae recognizes that all of the requested data elements for analysis are not equally available in all markets. In some markets it may not be possible to retrieve the total number of comparable active listings from earlier periods. If this is the case, the appraiser must explain the attempt to obtain such information. Also, there may be markets in which the data is available in terms of an "average" as opposed to a "median." In this case, the appraiser needs to note that his or her analysis has been based on an "average" representation of the data. Regardless of whether all requested information is available, the appraiser must provide support for his or her conclusions regarding market trends and conditions.
Inventory Analysis( サプライ&デマンドに基づいた市場トレンド、価格の比較、近辺の在庫状況を分析しなければなりません)
The “Inventory Analysis” section assists the appraiser in analyzing important supply and demand factors in order to reach a conclusion regarding housing trends and market conditions. When completing this section, the appraiser must include the comparable data that reflects the total pool of comparable properties from which a buyer may select a property in order to analyze the sales activity and the local housing supply. One of the tools used to monitor these trends is the absorption rate.
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